5-Year-Old Upgrade


So your little one has turned five… Five! Can you believe it? Time flies by so fast!

Five is a BIG age, developmentally, socially, and spiritually. Kids in this age are likely to start asking questions about faith and salvation, and it’s an important time for parents and for the church to be intentional about the Gospel in their hearts and lives.

For First Baptist Van, age five is time to UPGRADE! When a kid turns five, they upgrade from the nursery to the main worship service (or “big church” as I called it as a kid!) on Sunday mornings.

We understand this is a big deal, and can be a significant transition for your child. That’s why we want to help make this process as smooth as possible. In this Upgrade Packet, you’ll find helpful tips, info, and resources for your family to help and encourage you.

— Pastor Mark


Download the Upgrade Packet

This helpful little workbook is full of tips, info, and other resources to help you transition your little one to worship in the sanctuary!

Find out more about our Kids Ministry!